professor & Author

Chris Pipkin


While I write and teach in a variety of genres, my work almost always involves interpreting (and teaching others to interpret) the past fairly, without demonizing or dismissing.  By reclaiming forgotten perspectives, we can find ways to think about God, ourselves, and the world around us that are at once creative, traditional, and true.


My ResumÉ

Classes Taught

Years Teaching


Conference Presentations

Academic Works


Associate Professor of English 

 Since 2017, I have been a professor of English at Emmanuel College in Franklin Springs, GA. 

Published Articles

“Love Without Mesure: Proverb Problems in the Lais of Marie de France.” Neophilologus 103(2019): 307-321.  

“Monster Relics: The Giant, the Archangel, and Mont-Saint-Michel in the Alliterative Morte Arthure.” Arthuriana 27.1 (2017): 95-113.


Conferences & Panels: 2012–2022


“Saint Grendel?  ‘Monster Relics’ in Beowulf.” 8th Annual Graduate Conference on Medieval Studies at the The Catholic University of America. Washington, DC, April 2014.

“How to Dress a Giant in Human Clothes: The Alliterative Morte Arthure and the Kings-Beard Kirtle.” 7th Annual Graduate Conference on Medieval Studies at The Catholic University of America. Washington, DC, April 2013.

“The Devourer’s New Clothes: Beowulf and the Riddle of Grendel’s Glof.” 6th Annual Graduate Conference on Medieval Studies at the Catholic University of America. Washington, DC, April 2012.

“Finite Morals and Fin’ Amor: The Role of Maxims and Tropes in the Lais of Marie de France.” 47th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, MI, May 2012.


“The Castle in the Wilderness.” Southeastern Medieval Association (SEMA), Nassau, Bahamas, November 2018.

Sir Orfeo’s Castle as Reliquary.” International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, England, July 2017.

“Monster Relics: The Giant, the Archangel, and Mont-St-Michel in the Alliterative Morte 

Arthure.” 51st  International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2016. 

“Monster Relics: Grendel as Glory-Token and Sea-Loot.” 2015 meeting of the Southeastern Medieval Association. Little Rock, AR, October 2015. 

“(Re)Imagining the Human Person.” Panel. First Annual Arts and Sciences Conversation Series at The Catholic University of America. Washington, DC, September 2015.


“Medieval English Time Travel.” International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, England, July 2022.

“Sir Gawain and the Crown of Thorns.” Southeastern Medieval Association (SEMA), Spartanburg, NC, November 2021. (Upcoming)

“Beowulf’s Funeral as Gift Exchange.” Southeastern Medieval Association (SEMA), Greensboro, NC, November 2019.

Creative Works

The Inklings Variety Hour

Listen Now

 I host a podcast in which fans and scholars of C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams, Owen Barfield, and others discuss their works and lives.

My wife and I created a devotional blog dedicated to the liturgical season of Twelve Tide, celebrating the twelve days of Christmas. You can also purchase the book on Amazon.


Who Goes with Fergus?
Buy Here

I created a children’s book that allows parents to memorize good poetry while rereading children’s books. “Who Goes with Fergus” is a Yeats poem as interpreted by my goofy illustrations of dinosaurs driving cars. You can find it on Amazon.


The Catholic University of America


Ph.D. in English Literature

Dissertation: “Monster Relics in medieval English Literature”


Duquesne University


I earned my MA in English Literature, specializing in medieval Literature. 

Grove City College


I earned my BA  in English Literature. 



I learned to write by reading an assortment of books I found around the house and at the public library where I lived in rural Virginia.  When my adventures in the woods and meadows outside did not result in the discovery of a genie’s lamp or the portal to another world, I would compensate by writing alternative accounts.  Over time, my desire to find or make another world drew me (and still draws me) back to books and blank paper, as I grew in my faith, traveled, became a teacher and literary scholar, and married my beautiful and omnicompetent wife.  We’ve settled ourselves, along with a few noisy but happy children, in Georgia—where I teach, podcast, pray, read, and write.  There are woods outside, and my house is full of books.


What I write on


Twelve Tide

Dwell (Forthcoming)

Prose & Poetry

Collection of Weird Tales


The Medieval World

On the Inklings

Show Notes for the Podcast


All things

I write in a range of near-incompatible genres, from devotionals, poetry, and fiction to articles and books about medieval literature.  I host a podcast called The Inklings Variety Hour about C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Charles Williams and their pals, and my wife and I write a blog with resources for people who want to celebrate Christmas more creatively and traditionally.  And when I’m able,  I get on a plane and explore the world, seeking to uncover so many stories hidden in other lands. 

Contact Me

Get In Touch

I’d love to hear from (or work with) you, whether about medieval literature, the Inklings, teaching, or writing. Email below for more information.

Writer in Athens, Georgia

Chris Pipkin

professor & Author